If for support you need to load the XML config file of a customer in one of your device you may be interested not to load the customer IP address or the customer passwords in your device.
This document explains how to do it
Open the XML file with a Text Editor

Hint : Notepad ++ makes possible this view as a tree with the possibility to extend or reduce the branches clicking on the symbols [+] to exetnd or [-] to reduce
Not to load the IP address, delete the "HM2-NETCONFIG-MIB" section and delete it

1/ With th searching tool of your Text Editor, search for "HM2-NETCONFIG-MIB"
2/ Reduce the branch clicking on [-] at the left of the line
3/ Delete the line (all the section will be deleted)
Note : It's not only the IP address settings which won't be loaded, it's all the settings related to the configuration of the management address (Mask, management VLAN ...)
Not to load the users settings, delete the "HM2-USERMGMT-MIB" section and delete it

1/ With the searching tool of your Text Editor, search for "HM2-USERMGMT-MIB"
2/ Reduce the branch clicking on [-] at the left of the line
3/ Delete the line (all the section will be deleted)
Save the modified config file and load it on your device
If you try to load the config on a different hardware that the original device please refer to the article 15045-416 "Can I load a XML config file from a specific device to a different one ?"