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Cannot downgrade my device to versions lower than 09.0.14 - Base de conocimiento / Products / Classic Switches - Belden Support Center

Cannot downgrade my device to versions lower than 09.0.14

Due to the discontinuation of components, we had to replace a flash memory component, which affects the software version that can run on these devices.

Affected products:

Please note that this notification is valid only for MACH 1020/30 devices (943940XXX) manufactured from 2018. If your device was manufactured before 2018, your device can be downgraded to any software version.


Production Date

Hardware Revision

Valid Software Range

MACH 1020/30

First Market Introduction - Present

Revision 1 (with old flash)

All software versions

MACH 1020/30

2018 - Present

Revision 2 (with new flash)

09.0.14 – Latest version (Any downgrade below 09.0.14 is not possible)

To check if your device supports a downgrade below 09.0.14 version, you have two options:

1. Send us the serial numbers(s) of your product(s) and we will inform you about the hardware revision.

2. Try to downgrade your device to 08. XX software version. If the device gives an error while downgrading that means this device has hardware revision 2 and can only be downgraded till 09.0.14.