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How to migrate a configuration from a Bat-54 to an OpenBat - Base de conocimiento / Products / BAT / BAT, WLC (HiLCOS) - Belden Support Center

How to migrate a configuration from a Bat-54 to an OpenBat


The goal of this document is to show how a configuration created for the Bat-54 Rail can be uploaded on an equivalent device belonging to OpenBat family with similar hardware characteristics.


  • Be aware that some functions are not anymore available in the OpenBat and for such features the migration is not possible.
  • Some default values are depending by the firmware version used. That means that the script is not an exact copy 1:1 (see last step of this document).

In this document, the following devices will be used:

  • Bat-54 Rail with 2 Radio modules using firmware 8.52.0214RU1
  • OpenBat: BAT-REUWW9AKK99BO7T1T99DHH (2 Radio Modules, 1Combo port, 1 Copper Port) using firmware 8.90.0210Rel

Create and store a configuration file from the Bat-54
Copy link to Create and store a configuration file from the Bat-54 to clipboard

As example, the following configuration for the Bat-54 has been created:

  • Country: Italy
  • Radio 1: AP@ 2.4GHz - automatic channel selection
  • SSID: SSID_1
  • 802.11i encryption: ssid1
  • Radio 2: AP@ 5 GHZ sub-bands 1+2+3
  • SSID: SSID_2
  • 802.11i encryption: ssid2

The Configuration is stored on the pc used for configuration (see screenshot) with extension .lcs (readable script file)

Add the OpenBat to the list of devices
Copy link to Add the OpenBat to the list of devices to clipboard

Make sure you have access to the OpenBat.
If the OpenBat is not listed in Lanconfig, add it typing the address of the OpenBat (steps 1 to 3).
If the OpenBat is in default configuration, you can discover it through the Discover Button (step 4).

Select the file to be loaded on the OpenBat
Copy link to Select the file to be loaded on the OpenBat to clipboard

Select the file previously store with extension .lcs to be loaded on the OpenBat

Load the configuration on the OpenBat
Copy link to Load the configuration on the OpenBat to clipboard

The configuration will be loaded into the OpenBat and so the ip address on the stored configuration will be used. For this reason, if you try to access the OpenBat using the address stored in Lanconfig, you'll get an error.

In this screenshot, the new OpenBat has now ip (the same used by the original Bat54). For this reason it must be re-discovered by Lanconfig and is not anymore valid.

Re-discover the OpenBat using the right address
Copy link to Re-discover the OpenBat using the right address to clipboard

Given that the OpenBat will now have the same ip of the Bat54, we need to add a new device using such ip:

Compare the configuration from the Bat54 and OpenBat
Copy link to Compare the configuration from the Bat54 and OpenBat to clipboard

If we want to check that the configuration is stored correctly inside the OpenBat, we can dowload its configuration as script and make a comparison among the two.

Given that the OpenBat is a newer device with a slightly different behaviour, you will find some differences in configuration file coming from the OpenBat with respect to the Bat-54

Please notice that the script coming from the OpenBat provides much less information with respect to the Bat-54. For example the table Setup/IP-Router/IP-Routing-Table is not listed in the script from OpenBat. However if you need to check it, you can access it through the command line. In this example it has not been modified so we'll find the same table inside the Open Bat.

(Notepad++ with the Compare plugin (both downloadable freely) can be used to make the comparison).