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How to use the Command Line feature in HiOS webinterface - Base de conocimiento / Products / HiOS - Belden Support Center

How to use the Command Line feature in HiOS webinterface

To use the command line feature in HiOS webinterface you need an SSH capable client application which registers a handler for URLs starting with ssh:// in your operating system e.g. openssh client on Windows 11.

You can check if the openssh client is already enabled on your system by typing ssh in a command window.
If enabled it will look like this:

If it’s not enabled, then you can enable it as follows:

Go to the system settings by using the windows-key + r and type ms-settings:system

Scroll down and click on ‘optional features’.

Browse the list and check if the ‘openSSH client’ is already listed.
If not click on ‘Add an optional feature’ and enable it.

In the web interface of the HiOS device navigate to ‘Advanced - CLI’ (https://<ip-address>/#sshConnection)

Click on the button ‘Open SSH connection’. You are prompted if you wish to allow SSH links from the browser, confirm it.
You will then be prompted to select the ssh client application.
The path for the openSSH client is C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe. Click on open link.

Then the ssh connection will be established using the username of the currently logged in user of the web interface. Type in the password and you are good to go