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Industrial HiVision stuck on 'Kernel is loading MIBs/PSMs' - Base de conocimiento / Products / Industrial HiVision - Belden Support Center

Industrial HiVision stuck on 'Kernel is loading MIBs/PSMs'

Q: When starting my Industrial HiVision, it seems to be stuck in the dialogue ‘Kernel is loading MIBs’

A: One of the reasons of this can be the fact, that this process is done on one CPU core only instead of being hyperthreaded over multiple CPU cores. This is a restriction of the Java implementation of Industrial HiVision. You can see the behaviour if you look at your CPU load during the time the startup dialogue in the GUI says the kernel is loading the MIBs:

If it looks similar to this, you don’t need to worry. The kernel should be able to finish the process and isn’t stuck.