IP/MAC pairs is a security feature which is available as of IHV v6.0.
The purpose of this feature is to maintain a list of IP-MAC pairs and to signal if address associations change.
Select Configuration - MAC/IP List from the menu to open the current list of address pairs.
MAC/IP address pair list
Change to the tab MAC/IP Address Pair Security.
IP/MAC pairs contained by this list will be differentiated between three types:
- Existent (in field)
- User generated (they are manually added by the user using add functionality or by selecting one of the existent pair and edit it).
- Excluded/Excepted (these are also added by user manually or by selecting and editing/converting an existent record. These do not preserve the MAC Address. For them will never be raised a warning event.
If Configure Schedule for Checking is checked the scheduler dialog will appear on leaving this dialog.

In this dialog you can specify the schedule for checking IP/MAC pairs.
The minimum interval for this feature is 30 minutes.
Log Message