This lesson describes how to configure radius for switch management access via telnet and webinterface.
The functionality is available as of release 7 for devices with L2P software and higher.
Note: For webinterface configuration make sure that the password consists 8 or more characters.
Configure Radius-Server

1.) Click on "Create" and enter IP-address of Radius-Server.
2.) Configure "Shared Secret". Please note that this field will be empty after the next step because of security reasons.
3.) Click on "Set" in order to send new configuration to switch agent.
Optional: Configuration via CLI

Pleae use following command:
radius server host auth
radius server key auth
Enable HTTPS

It is necessary to enable HTTPS in order to use radius for access switch agent via WEB-interface.
1.) Enable HTTPS
2.) Click on "Set" in order to send new configuration to switch agent.
Optional: Configuration via CLI

Please use following command:
ip https server
Please note that this command is used in enable mode, not in configure mode.
More CLI commands
After above steps all non local configured users will be authenticated by radius-server. All local configured users (like "admin" and "user") will be authenticated by local switch database.
More modifications are possible by using so named "Authentication Lists". Following commands will be helpful:
Show Authentication Lists per user
show users authentication
Show Authentication List definition
show authentication
Change preconigured Authentication List named "radiuslist".
After this modificatiion all users will be authenticated by radius server, and only if configured server is not available local database will be used.
authentication login radiuslist radius local
Configuration of Authentication List used for all non local users.
users defaultlogin <listname>