This lessons describes how to configure the serial interface of a BAT to connect an end device.

In this example we'll use the COM Port server function of the BAT to access the serial interface of a RS20.
The trafic in destination of the BAT and to a specific TCP port will be redirected on the serial interface.
For that we'll use Putty installed on a computer.
Preliminary steps

Give the BAT an IP address (in our example:
You can refer to the lesson ""How to give an Open BAT or a WLC an IP address""
Add the BAT in LANconfig
You can refer to the lesson ""How to discover a BAT or a WLC in LANconfig""
Establish a serial connection between the serial interface of the BAT and the serial interface of the RS20 (or other device)
Refer to the manual for the serial port pin assignement of the device to connect. (above pin assignement of the OpenBAT)
BAT Configuration (1)

From LAN Config
Configuration > COM Ports > Devices > Device mode > Add
Device type: Outband
Device mode: COM port server
> OK
Take care that this setting disables the V.24 interface for the management
BAT Configuration (2)

Configuration > COM Ports > Server > Serial Interface > Add
Device type: Outband
Port: 0
Activate ""Operate""
> OK
BAT Configuration (3)

Configuration > COM Ports > Server > Network Interface > Add
Configure the TCP mode as server (in server mode the BAT monitors the incoming TCP connections while as client mode. In client mode, the instance attempts to establish a TCP connection via a defined port to the specified remote site, as soon as the port is ready)
Configure the TCP Port which will be used (in our example 8001)
> OK
Putty configuration (1)

Default Terminal configuration of Putty has to be changed.
Putty configuration (2)

The default configuration under Connection > Telnet has also to be changed.
Untick ""Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M""
Putty configuration (3)

To finish, in the session dialog, Indicate the IP address of the BAT as Host,
Use Telnet as connection type but change the port to: 8001 (the port listened by the BAT)
> Open