As of IHV 6.0 a new device property location coordinates was introduced which allows to start an external map service to display the device location.
This lesson describes how you can set location coordinates in HiMobile 2.0 and display the device location in IHV.
In HiMobile browse the project structure and open a specific device.
Location Coordinates

Click on the pen icon to edit the location coordinates.
Requires a user with edit rights in IHV.
Edit Location
To set the current coordinates of your mobile phone click on Get My Location.
Alternatively you can enter values for Latitude and Longitude manually.
Click Apply to write the values in the IHV database.
Location Coordinates
The property Location Coordinates is available on device level and can be edited manually or via HiMobile
Display Location
The location of a device can be displayed as follows:
1. Select a device from the IHV map
2. Select View from the menu, then Geographical Location View
This will open a browser window and show the location in an online map service.
Geographical Location View
By default Google Maps is used to display the geographical location of a device.
The map service to be used can be changed in the preferences as shown in the next step.
Map Service
The map service for the Geographical Location View can be defined in the preferences under External Applications.