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Webserver cannot be started / No web access EAGLE20 / EAGLEOne - Base de Conhecimento / Products / Classic Firewalls - Belden Support Center

Webserver cannot be started / No web access EAGLE20 / EAGLEOne

At the first startup of a brand new EAGLE or at the first startup after “clear certificates” the web certificates are generated.

Affected products are EAGLE20 and EAGLEOne in rel. 05.3.00.

If the power is removed during the certificate generation is in progress the webserver cannot be started and therefore no web access is possible.

The cli command 'show login' displays the following output:

!(Hirschmann EAGLE One) #show login

Login parameters

Access per SSH..........................enabled
SSH Access port number..................22
DSA Fingerprint for
RSA Fingerprint for
Access per Web (HTTPS)..................disabled
Web Access port number (HTTPS)..........443
SNMP version 1..........................disabled
SNMP version 2..........................disabled
SNMP port number........................161
SNMP over HTTPS tunneling...............disabled
RADIUS auth. of SNMP v3 local users.....disabled
Inactivity timeout Web (minutes)........5
Inactivity timeout serial (minutes).....5
Inactivity timeout SSH (minutes)........5
Login prompt............................""Hirschmann EAGLE One""
Login banner............................""""

23: 2013-01-01 01:00:01 [tCfgMgrTask, CRITICAL, WEB-S, 0x02080014] Web Server -
start of web server failed
24: 2013-01-01 01:00:01 [tCfgMgrTask, ERROR, WEB-S, 0x02080028] Web Server -
directory for https server certificate could not be created

Possible solutions:

  1. Reformat the flash file system in sysMon1 and to put the operating firmware on the device again. The firmware can be found on the product CD.


  2. Use bobshell / serviceshell commands to delete uncomplete certificates and folder structure and reboot the device:


!(Hirschmann EAGLE One) >enable

!(Hirschmann EAGLE One) #clear certificates

Are you sure (Y/N) ?y



!(Hirschmann EAGLE One) #serviceshell

-> rmdir ""/flash/https/cert""

value = 0 = 0x0

-> rmdir ""/flash/https""

value = 0 = 0x0

-> exit

!(Hirschmann EAGLE One) #reboot

Are you sure (Y/N) ?# y


!(Hirschmann EAGLE 20) >enable

!(Hirschmann EAGLE 20) #clear certificates

Are you sure (Y/N) ?y



!(Hirschmann EAGLE 20) #bobshell

-> rmdir ""/flash/https/cert""

value = 0 = 0x0

-> rmdir ""/flash/https""

value = 0 = 0x0

-> exit

!(Hirschmann EAGLE 20) #reboot

Are you sure (Y/N) ?# y