
Error message from 'Java Virtual Machine Launcher' displayed during installation of the bundled version or start of the portable version of HiView - 知识库 / Products / HiView - Belden Support Center

Error message from 'Java Virtual Machine Launcher' displayed during installation of the bundled version or start of the portable version of HiView

With HiView 04.2.00, users can get the following error message displayed when starting the installation of the bundled version or starting the portable version of HiView:

This happens quite often on newly installed PCs, or on machines with the 'N' versions of Microsoft Windows 10. This issue can be fixed by installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from the following link:


In versions before HiView 4.2 we delivered this package if it was found missing on the target system. Since HiView 4.2 it was not included anymore and will be re-added in HiView 04.2.01 and later.