
How can I reset the password at MSP, RSP, RSPL, RSPS or RSPE? - 知识库 / Products / HiOS - Belden Support Center

How can I reset the password at MSP, RSP, RSPL, RSPS or RSPE?

On Platform 5 devices you can reset the password by erasing the configuration file in System Monitor 1 like with Platform 4 devices. For this you need physical access to the device, i.e. you need to use the serial port.

Note: This will erase all other settings as well.

Despite the fact that physical access easily could be prevented using a rack or closing with a lock, this is still regarded as a security leak. Therefore you can disable ""System Monitor 1"" by web interface menu ""Diagnostics - System - Selftest"" unchecking ""Activate SysMon1"".
Please note that you CANNOT re-enable SysMon1. Hirschmann has no backdoors, i.e. after you de-activated SysMon1 there is no way to reset the password.

To erase the configuration file follow the instructions in the follwing article:
How to reset configuration using System Monitor 1