
How to change the default config - 知识库 / Products / BAT / BAT, WLC (HiLCOS) - Belden Support Center

How to change the default config

By pressing the reset button 6 seconds or typing the command "do Other/Reset-Config", it's possible to erase the current running config and bring the device back to its default settings.
In some cases it may be useful to have a customized default config (configured as a client with an IP address for example).

To modify the default config:

- Configure a device with the configuration you think appropriate for its default settings
- Via the command line interface type the command "bootconfig -s 1" (details of the bootconfig at the end of this how-to)

Typing this command, the running config becomes the default config.

It's also possible to have an alternate boot config, to do it you can refer to the How-to "How-to create an alternate boot config"

bootconfig command:
Usage: bootconfig action [slot]
Possible actions:
    -s or --savecurrent: save current configuration as alternative boot configuration in given slot
    -r or --remove:      remove the alternative boot configuration in given slot
    -d [ca] or --delcert [ca]:     remove default certificate/additional CA
    -c or --clear:       remove everything
    -h,-? or --help:     print this text
Possible slots are 1, 2 or all

Slot 1 for writing the default boot config
Slot 2 for writing the alternate boot config